• Wed. Feb 19th, 2025

Funding Notice: Fiscal Year 2024 Photovoltaics Research and Development (PVRD)

Funding Notice: Fiscal Year 2024 Photovoltaics Research and Development (PVRD)

Office: Solar Energy Technologies Office  
FOA Number: DE-FOA-0003337 
Link to Apply: Apply on EERE Exchange 
FOA Amount: $20 million 

On May 1, 2024, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) announced the 2024 Photovoltaics Research and Development (PVRD) funding opportunity, which will award up to $20 million for innovative solar photovoltaics (PV) research and development (R&D) that reduces the cost of PV modules, reduces carbon and energy intensity of the PV supply chain and manufacturing process, and optimizes PV technology for new, specialized markets.   

SETO anticipates making between 8 and 15 awards under this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) ranging from $1 million to $4 million. SETO encourages diverse teams to apply. 

Topic Areas 

Topic Area 1: Photovoltaic Advances in Cell Efficiency, Reliability, and Supply Chain (PACERS)  

This topic seeks to develop innovative PV cell and minimodule prototypes to enable expanded deployment and identify pathways for reduction in PV module cost, decarbonization of manufacturing and supply chains, and expansion of PV into new and emerging sectors. While the funding opportunity is open to all projects focused on innovations in these areas, there are four areas of particular interest to DOE:   

  • Reduction of emissions created during the manufacturing of silicon from quartz 
  • Crystalline silicon PV cell design   
  • III-V PV cell design  
  • Organic PV cell design 
Topic Area 2: Building Academic Capabilities in Cadmium Telluride 

This topic seeks to fund academic R&D projects requiring new or upgraded cadmium telluride (CdTe) research equipment. This will enhance the ability of research groups to rapidly make and test CdTe cells and improve their performance. This funding will also benefit the larger CdTe PV research community by facilitating rapid technological innovation in CdTe design and understanding of the materials and manufacturing processes.  

Areas of interest for this topic area include improving the equipment and capabilities of U.S. research institutions in pursuit of the following goals:   

  • Increasing the rate of learning and speed of advancement in CdTe cell and module research. 
  • Improving the efficiency, durability, and energy yield of state-of-the-art CdTe PV cells. 
  • Developing and validating new CdTe PV cell designs that have the potential to substantially outperform the current state of the art.  
  • Improving the quality and scale of materials produced at academic institutions to facilitate technology transfer to industry. 

Teaming Partner List 

DOE is compiling a Teaming Partner List to facilitate the formation of project teams for this FOA. The Teaming Partner List allows organizations that may wish to participate on a project to express their interest to other applicants and explore potential partnerships.   

The Teaming Partner List is available on EERE eXCHANGE and will be regularly updated to reflect new teaming partners who provide their organization’s information.  

SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: View the Teaming Partner List by visiting the EERE eXCHANGE homepage and clicking on Teaming Partners within the left-hand navigation pane. This page allows users to view published Teaming Partner Lists. To join the Teaming Partner List, submit a request within eXCHANGE. Select the appropriate Teaming Partner List from the drop-down menu and fill in the following information: Investigator Name, Organization Name, Organization Type, Topic Area, Background and Capabilities, Website, Contact Address, Contact Email, and Contact Phone.  

DISCLAIMER: By submitting a request to be included on the Teaming Partner List, the requesting organization consents to the publication of the above-referenced information. By facilitating the Teaming Partner List, DOE is not endorsing, sponsoring, or otherwise evaluating the qualifications of the individuals and organizations that are identifying themselves for placement on this Teaming Partner List. DOE will not pay for the provision of any information, nor will it compensate any applicants or requesting organizations for the development of such information.  


SETO will host an informational webinar on May 8 at 4 p.m. ET to discuss the funding opportunity and the areas of focus. Register for the webinar. 

Key Dates 

FOA Issue Date:  May 1, 2024 
Informational Webinar:  May 8, 2024 at 4 p.m. ET 
Submission Deadline for Mandatory Letter of Intent:  June 12, 2024 at 5 p.m. ET 
Submission Deadline for Mandatory Concept Papers:  July 1, 2024 at 5 p.m. ET 
Submission Deadline for Full Applications:  September 16, 2024 at 5 p.m. ET 
Expected Submission Deadline for Replies to Reviewer Comments:  November 6, 2024 at 5 p.m. ET 
Expected Timeframe for EERE Selection Notifications:  Early 2025 
Expected Timeframe for Award Negotiations:  Spring 2025 

Additional Information 


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